Wednesday, January 20, 2010

One for the peeps in Ipt

As much as I would love to recount the funness that has been going on, this post is for my class about how to use technology in teaching. A scary and yet badly needed class for me. So here we go with this weeks scholarly topic..."Gospel Insights-What are the gospel implications for this new world of social networking?"

The "new world of social networking" immediatley makes me think of facebook. Tie that in with the gospal and I think of all my young women leaders that I've been able to keep in contact with thanks to fb. I think of all my cousins, uncles and aunties that I stay in better touch with; that I get to see constant pictures of and here about things going on that I would not otherwise get to see. This makes me branch out to blogging where I think the church would appreciate the fun stories and whitty writting I read where I am more strongly connected to my family and friends. Online networking truley allows you connect better, to stay in touch. It's nice. But just like my fellow goup member, Tegan, wrote in her blog (see link under the cool new blog roll gadget I added-learning things already in this class:) ) "Like all good things, Satan has a way of twisting them" theres always the crazos that use it for bad things. So be wise, and use caution and I think you will be able to benefit from many aspects of online social networking and avoid the not so postitive things.

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