Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Pixels de digital can't we PLEASE be friends???

On occasion I have a very difficult time looking past the present. This most often happens when taking pictures. Yes a few are fun, and its a blast to go back and look at them later, but while most girls seems to get a thirll at capturing every moment multiple times I kinda combine my "no clutter policy" with my "I hate holding things" syndrome and also my "I'm irresponsible and never charge my electronics" illness. The result is my crackypants just flying on after about picture 3.

One particular incident stants out in my mind. The lcoation: Calgary, Alberta, Oh Canada. Sarah and Tiffy and I went to the Calgary Stampede. We had spent the day watching chuckwagans race and eating poutine, and now the night concert. Oh the wonders of the night concert! Fireworks, dancing people dangling above my head. Motorscycles launching over and across the stage, stretchy tights, elaborate costumes, angelic singers, bright lights, NOISE, just the works! I mean I love anything on a stage and this show was like the circus meets american idol meets Hairspray meets the mad hatter. Just fantastic. So eyes sprakling and glued to the stage I am very much enjoying my Calgary stampede experience. My dearest friend Sarah I'm sure was also enjoying the show and thought to digitally capture the magical moment. Ok, fine, I will look away for a few seconds for the picture, but one picture turnd into about 5 and that went over my limit. In the 6th picture I did look at the camera, but you can bet I did NOT smile. I frowned. I frowned with hate in my eyes ;( And then I rudley said "There's a million things my eyes would rahter look at right now then your camera lense". The next few pictures were taken without me in them... um grumpy??? mean??? yikes!! Poor Sarah was only capturing a wonderful trip, and you better beleive that I absolutley loved going through every picture 2 weeks later and I felt really bad about what I said.

That was a year ago and I'm proud to say i've spent the last 12 months trying to be more patient about picture taking. My tolerance for the whole ordeal has greatly increased as have my enjoyment levels:) (I would even call the bridal party pictures we took at the temple after Tiffs wedding ... FUN!!!- it also helped that tiffys mom brought cheese buns for us:) yum.)

My next step has been to now become the picture taker. I go up and down with this, but on the whole I spend a lot more time promising to take pictures and a lot less time actually doing anything with my camera.

Time for a confession: It was my best friends wedding this last weekend. (Thats a real life statement I wasn't referencing the movie). I brought my camera... :) I did not take one single picture. Ok I took one picture... two pictures. When I was stopped at the border I tried to be artistic and I took one of my rearview mirror and one of my feet. They were both hidiouse and have since been deleted. I feel bad that I didn't take any pictures. I'm slacking hardcore in my picture taking goals and there's no reward in goal slacking. Honestly, the thought of taking pictures seems dreary, but i'm going to do it. It's so fun to look at them later.. why does it feel like such a hassel??? I really do LOVE looking at pictures and having pictures, I DO!! now if I could just remember that during the picture taking moment... I might be more successful. Ok life, let the good times roll cause i'ma capture me 10 fun moments this week with digital pixels!!!


  1. You just gotta get used to bustin that camera out. Its a tidge awkward at first, but everyone is always grateful after the fact for pictorals...

  2. Maybe you could just take them with the thought in mind that you need pictures for your blog. That helps me---even if I never use them. You can always go back and delete them if they are bad.
