Monday, December 21, 2009

Can you hand me a tissue please?

Well, I have a wicked cold. It's a bad one. My nose is stuffed and my throat feels like it's closing in on me. Everyday for the past half week I wake up sure that I'm suffocating, but alas it's just a cold. Bad news is Friday we ran out of tissues and sat and sun there were toliet paper shortages. But reinforcements came in this morning and I've taken to carrying a roll with me everywhere I go. Sadly, I've gotten no sympathy from the fam, well a little from mom and dad but nothing from the boys. Quite the contrary they called me gross and discusting and i've gotten many bad looks. Hello people!! I am suffering here!! and I told them this when we were playing monopoly. I belted those exacts words, and then I rolled the dice and won free parking. fate is kind sometimes cause it was a heavy lot too... for reasons pertaining specifically to my the fam jam and love being home:D...MERRY CHISTMAS YO!!

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