Friday, November 13, 2009

H is for Hipocrit... and Health

There are some people that eat a lot of sugar and get sick, or they hate Mcdonalds because fast food makes them sick too. I am not one of these people. My body has been conditioned since birth to be able to tolerate large quanitites of sugar and fat. Last Tuesday it somehow came up at work something about what we had eaten that day. Further reflection on this topic caused me to realize that so far that day I'd eaten
Chocolate Chip Banna Bread, Grandmas Cookies (2 packs), elevan pixie sticks and a hot pocket, follow that up with taco bell for dinner and thats a completly average day of eating for me. In fact I would add to that list of foods, long johns, poptarts, frosty's, burgers, and fries and there you have the staples of my diet. I realized, much to my disgust, that I eat vending machine food and fast food, and pretty much thats it. I have been eating HORRIFICALLY!!! for the past 2 1/2 months I've been back in college.
so do I weigh a million pounds? Thankfully not and I think that is why I have been able to go so long in my aweful ways without really noticing or caring. Thanks to rugby I've actually lost 3 pounds. haha I guess this is where I owe a shout out to Clayton for making me sprint until I'm actually thankful at the chance to do push-ups and have a break from cardio. Mahalos Clayton.
I realized at work, that the day I quit rugby is the day I will turn into a blimp, and that would be the very least of my concerns. My dad is diabetic, my uncles are diabetic, my granpa and great granpa are all diabetic. I don't have a single male realtive on my dads side that has lived past 64 because of diabetes. My dad himself has already had a stroke and 5 by pass heart surgery. 2 years ago I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic. Like really, how much motivation does a person need before they will start eating better? Needless to say I was having some big and seriouse thoughts at work, and I felt genuinly scared and upset that I had been eating SO bad. So with strong motivation I decided to cut vending machines and fast food from my life for a while. At least until I have broken myself of the habit of depending on these establishments for all of my nutrition. So, my solution: pack a lunch.
I am proud to say that I am back at work and I have a lunch all packed. This has been somewhat difficult due to the fact that I have not boughten food from the grocery store in months. I own very little food that you use to make lunches... or breakfasts or dinners for that matter. So today I have three ziplock bags with me. One has 2 potatoes, another has 2 pieces of bread and the last one has a stick of butter. I realize it's not your typical sack lunch, but its a start. so here's to health. I'm not striving to be the epitomy of a healthy eater, but perhaps not being the worst eater in the history of the universe would be beneficial.


  1. Oh Hali! Im jealoust that you can eat like that and still look amazing! So glad that you're starting a healthy eating routine. You will feel so much better, even if you dont feel bad right now. Love your blog!!!

  2. :) Good luck with your new goal! Love reading your blog. Did you get my invite to my blog?

  3. Hey! I did that too... only I didn't play rugby, and thus gained thirty pounds. No fun!! Thankfully I've lost it since then- in part due to you! :-) I recommend dinner groups to help. It makes life healthier- socially, you learn more about cooking, and you get at least one vegtable a day! ;-)

  4. Kami- no- how do I check it- cause I tried to add you but i can't get in at all- how do I check that???
