Monday, October 31, 2011

V is very very extra Ordinary

Matt and I always have lots and lots of fun together, but at the end of the day he always has to go home:/. This happened again yesterday, and so there we are outside my house and in front of his truck sweetly hugging goodbye. He wasn't talking and so I asked him what he was thinking. His response surprised and intrigued me. "I don't think you want to know" he replies. What the heck does that mean?!? He says it again, "I really don't think you want to know" and then with a brave voice he adds "but if you ask me again i'll tell you". i'm quiet for another minute thinking and wondering. But I have to know. "What are you thinking about?" I ask again. He kinda sighs and sets me down at the foot of his truck. Having me sit down was a smart move on his part. He looks at me and I'm wondering what it is that could be so hard for him to say to me. "You're not gonna like this" says the boy now standing in front of me.
At this point I am feeling straight up alarm. This boy I adore is about to tell me how things arn't working between us and all I feel is sad worry:( This is starting to feel an awful lot like that terrible night he told me that sometimes he thinks we'd make better friends then dating people. Apparently he was thinking this too and he says "AW! this is turning into that bad night (hey thats what I was thinking! weird.) I think I love you" Just like that he said it all in one breath.

My brain felt like it had been driving at 120 miles per hour and then realized it missed the turn. So it slammed on the breaks and rolled a few times. "WHAT???" is all I could manage to get out "WHA... Wha... WHAT?!??" Matty: "take out the think". Then in he looks right at me and as were staring into eachothers eyes I can't help but notice how soft his look and how full of emotion they were. "Haliaka, I love you" he says. I kissed him and then as quiet as I could I whispered. "i love you too". A couple hours later I received this text from Matty B: "Haha, gotten over the shock yet, or are you still grinning too?" I was still grinning. and having a very hard time focusing. like extremely hard. as in my class played scripture mastery basketball in seminary this morning lol.

Looks like it happened.haha, I fell in love


  1. HALIAKAAAAA I for real feel like I am going to cry.
    I am so so so happy for you... that doesn't even seem to do it. I am thrilled and ecstatic for you. And kinda of want to say I told you so a little bit? But that doesn't seem right... I will leave that for later. So exciting! Im calling you... I have waited for a phone long enough.

  2. You too sure do look cute together! That's awesome!

  3. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA!! Exciting. I'm SO happy for you!! He's one LUCKY guy!! This is a cute story. :)

  4. so cuuuuuute!!!!!! oh my gosh haliaka. he is adorable.

  5. hey, kama showed me your blog....and i randomly read this post. all i can say is it's so cute i couldn't stand it so i had to comment. You are awesome and i'm so happy you fell in love...and are getting married! ps. come visit us sometime at out blog too! (facebook me your email and i'll invite you!) ---Gena
