Tuesday, April 27, 2010

one step at a time

Well I'm on my lunch break, and Ive been meaning to be healthier. Rugby is over, which means no more can I eat what I want and lose weight and no more will I be forced to excersize, and no more will there be an excersize available that I love with all my heart :( nevertheless, I am determined to stay healthy!! how? the hard, but only effective way. Diet and excersize. Which for me translates into not eating taco bell for every meal and running... yes I know I hate running... but running/ working out a lot. and regularly. so for lunch I decided a bagel would be healthy and maybe a fruit of some sort or a string cheese. but as I was walking over to the food court I passed a group of boys eating taco bell. I love taco bell. It's been my food fad for the last few months. Lst year was taquitos from seven eleven this year is a fresa bean burito and cheesy fiesta potatoes from taco bell. I immediatly cut the bagel and decided I'd start eating better tomorrow. Pathetic I know, but wait, I find a little bit of dicipline. As I get to taco bell I begin to talk myslef out of it. I begin to think about other choices that I also enjoy and that would be better for me. But the bean burrito was pretty persistent and it's just some protein in a tortilla right? It's not like I'm eating a greasy burger. So I got the burito. The cheesy fiesta potatoes in all their sour cream and fake cheese glory were harder to rationalize though. I knew I had to cut them, but as I pondered what to replace it with and stood looking at a shelf of apples and oranges and bananas I just couldn't do it. Well, I gave up the potatoes, but I wasn't ready to replace them with an apple just yet. I got the frozen yogurt, not to be confused with soft serve ice cream. yogurt. healthy. delicious. frozen yogurt. so I figure not a bad start. better than the norm, but room for improvement. :) but don't get to comfortable on that shelf my little apple friend. i'll be ready for you by next week!!!


  1. i am starting again with zero treats. i'm really going to do it this time! it's those treat fridays that always get me....

  2. Way to be... thats how to do it... start out easy and get better and better! I need to follow your example... I think I could switch from ice cream to yogurt!

  3. lets be running buddies for the next two weeks...?
    Im a bit scared to run with a college athlete but I wont be offended if you just run a few laps around me.

  4. YES!!! a thuosand yesses- I need someone to make me do it... today...? oh definately today before we consume cookie dough and icecream...in moderation...of course.

  5. Hey fun blog! Now I can read yours too. haha And yes eating healthy and exercising is hard, I always suggest sign up for a 5k or something. I am one where I don't want to do bad at something so I work out so I will do good in the 5k or in whatever event I sign up for. Besides you look awesome!
