Thursday, February 25, 2010

eye pea n tea

this weeks prompt:This should be a post that your high school students would be able to read, understand and apply. Using the information you've read about internet safety, write an introductory paragraph about why the concepts you're teaching are important and then write some simple rules you would want your students to follow to keep themselves safe online.

Using the internet is an incredible resourse. Life with the internet is fun and convieneint.:) I for one greatly enjoy that, but Ben Parker said it best in spider man "with great power comes great responsibility" I take that to mean cool stuff always has a "be careful!!" sign attatched or a disclaimer of some sort. so here's the bad news on the internet 1. How do you really know who you are chatting to??? 2. Inappropriate things pop up 3. With online banking and such passwords and account information is less secure. 4. The threat of identitiy theft is real! Bottom line: internet safety is important. This stuff happens and while it's hard to imagine it happening to could!!! are some good rules to apply when using the internet!
-Using a different password for you bank account, email ect will decrease the risk of someone being able to break into ALL of your stuff
-opening a link or email where you don't know the sender can be dangerouse. It may contain a virus or be some sort of scarm- never give it your info!!!
-don't ever ever ever give personal information out online- even if the site looks legit- these bad guys out to steal your identiy are tricking!!
-Careful with file sharing programs. They are cool cause you can get movies, music and games for free, but sometimes you may be sharing other things you didn't intend to and not even know!

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